Comments on: WARNING ON ‘MOCK AUCTION’ IN CRYSTAL PALACE THIS WEEKEND Fri, 29 Apr 2016 15:36:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: jerrygreen85 Tue, 11 Nov 2014 19:36:52 +0000 The story was based on a Croydon council press release – Ed.

By: Mr & Mrs Roberts Sun, 09 Nov 2014 21:28:58 +0000 After being ripped off at a mock auction a few weeks back news that you had a tip they were coming back to this area was music to our ears as we would have a chance to confront them and try and get our £100 back. So as the weekend of the 25th and 26th October approached we had everyone we know trying to find out where the auction was being held but heard nothing so we did the same the following week 1st and 2nd November encase who ever tipped you off got the date wrong again nothing and there was no way a sale would have been held in this area without me or someone I know hearing about it.

It’s bad enough being ripped off for £100 but then for you to put out a bogus auction warning which caused us to waste 2 weekends was the last straw, So maybe you will share you informant credentials with us has he given good information before because what he told you this time was a load of rubbish.
